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Version: 1.2.0


The instance tab allows configuring the instances that are available to the app. Currently, it is only possible to save instances within ElasticSPL's app context. Instances created outside of ElasticSPL's app context but shared globally are visible and editable. However, if you change the instance's sharing configuration to App, the instance will no longer be visible to ElasticSPL.

To see all parameters of an instance, extend an instance using the arrow on the left in the row of the instance. To hide the details, click the same arrow again.

Instance Details

Extend to see all available instance parameters
Elastic InstanceThe name of the instance configuration in ElasticSPL. This can be different from the name of the Elasticsearch server or cluster✔️aws-prod
Max ResultsThe maximum number of results that should be returned by a query✔️1000
SSL ModeWeather the certificate presented by the Elasticsearch server should be verified. If a cluster is used only CA Cert and No Validation is possible✔️CA Cert
CA CertificateThe CA certificate that should be used to verify the certificate presented by the Elasticsearch serverIf SSL Mode == CA Cert
FingerprintThe fingerprint of the certificate presented by the Elasticsearch serverIf SSL Mode == Fingerprint40c90360e239cb6b426164594d2118d5b3b57d6b
Authentication ModeWheter to use API Keys or Basic Authentication during the connection to Elasticsearch✔️API Key
API IDAPI ID of the API key to be used. Make sure that the user for which the API information is valid for has access to only the required dataIf Authentication Mode == API Key
API KeyAPI Key of the API key to be usedIf Authentication Mode == API Key
UsernameUsername of a User available in Elasticsearch. Make sure that the user for which the authentication information is valid for has access to only the required dataIf Authentication Mode == Basic Authentication
PasswordPassword for the Username providedIf Authentication Mode == Basic Authentication
Reading RolesThe roles that are allowed to read the instance configuration and subsequently run queries towards it✔️elasticspl_admin
SharingThe sharing configuration of the instance✔️App
NodesThe nodes that are part of the Elasticsearch cluster.✔️,
Use ProxyWhether a proxy should be used to connect to Elasticsearch✔️Yes
Verify ProxyWhether the certificate presented by the proxy should be verifiedIf Use Proxy == YesYes
Proxy CA CertificateThe CA certificate that should be used to verify the certificate presented by the proxyIf Use Proxy == Yes and Verify Proxy == Yes
Proxy UrlThe URL of the proxy that should be used to connect to ElasticsearchIf Use Proxy == Yes
Proxy UsernameThe username that should be used to authenticate against the proxy
Proxy PasswordThe password that should be used to authenticate against the proxy

Creating an Instance

License Restrictions

The free license of ElasticSPL allows configuring a single instance. The paid license allows configuring a higher number of instances.

To create a new instance, open the Instance tab and click on the Add Elastic Instance button in the top right corner. Fill out the form and click on Add. Check the Usage section for more information on the prefix options. For more information on the parameters, check the Parameters section.


The nodes must be in format https://<hostname>:<port> and must not contain any relative URI paths.

Add Instance

Updating an Instance

To update an instance, open the Instance tab and click on the Update button in the row of the instance that should be updated. Fill out the form and click on Update. Check the Usage section for more information on the prefix options. For more information on the parameters, check the Parameters section.

It is not possible to change the name of an instance. If the name of an instance should be changed, the instance has to be deleted and a new instance with the desired name has to be created.

Update Instance

Deleting an Instance

To delete an instance, open the Instance tab and click on the Delete button in the row of the instance that should be deleted. Confirm the deletion by clicking on Delete.

No Undo

Deleting an instance is irreversible. The instance will be deleted.

Delete Instance

Ping an Instance

To ping an instance, open the Instance tab and click on the Ping button in the row of the instance that should be pinged. Confirm the ping by clicking on Ping. The ping will be executed and the result will be displayed in the Ping column. Pinging an instance is useful to check whether the instance is reachable and the credentials are correct.

Ping Instance